University of Virginia Fight Song
Charlottesville, Virginia
"The Cavalier Song"
Come and sing dear old Virginia's name
And make the Blue Ridge roar
For the world yields honor to her name
Who knew her deads yore
Then make each heart a flowing bowl
And pour our pledges strong
As down the ages still we roll
Virginia's triumph song
Once more our might has won the fight
We gain the victor's due
And all men raise their voice to praise
The orange and blue
So, through the years, like Cavaliers
We'll shout Virginia's name
It e'er shall be on land and sea
A sign of might and fame.
"The Good Old Song"
The Good Old Song of Wahoo Wah!
We'll sing it O'er and O'er!
It cheers our hearts and warms our blood
To hear them shout and roar.
We come from Old Vir-Gin-I-A,
Where all is bright and gay.
Let's all join hands and give a yell
For dear old U-V-A!
Wahoowa, Wahoowa
Hoo ra ray
Hoo ra ray
Ray ray