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University of South Carolina Fight Song

Columbia, South Carolina
"The Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way"

Hey, Let's give a cheer, Carolina is here,
The Fighting Gamecocks lead the way.
Who gives a care, If the going gets tough,
And when it is rough, that's when the 'Cocks get going.
Hail to our colors of Garnet and Black,
In Carolina pride have we.
So, Go Gamecocks Go - FIGHT!
Drive for the goal - FIGHT!
USC will win today - GO COCKS!
So, let's give a cheer, Carolina is here.
The Fighting Gamecocks All The Way!

"The Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way" fight song tune is from the musical number "Step to the Rear" in the Broadway show "How Now, Dow Jones". New lyrics were written by former Gamecocks football coach Paul Dietzel in 1968. Fans are known to throw a strong fist pump when they hear "Go Cocks!" towards the end of the fight song.

"We Hail Thee Carolina (Alma Mater)"

We hail thee, Carolina, and sing thy high praise;
With loyal devotion, remembering the days;
When proudly we sought thee, thy children to be:
Here's a health, Carolina, forever to thee!

"We Hail Thee Carolina" was written in 1911 by George A. Wauchope, while serving as an English professor at the University.

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