University of North Dakota Fight Song
Grand Forks, North Dakota
"Stand Up and Cheer"
Stand up and cheer; stand up and cheer for North Dakota!
Pledge your loyalty for she's your Alma Mater true!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Our teams are fighting, and we are here to see them through!
We've got the team. Rah! Rah!
We've got the steam. Rah! Rah!
So North Dakota here's to you!
We're the green and white from North Dakota U!
But we're sportsmen through and through,
We're rough and tough it's true,
That we're the toughest team between the poles;
And as we go we'll show each foe,
No matter how distant the goal.
We know you'll win every game you're in,
We're thousands of strong and loyal souls;
UND, now all will see
"It's for You"
It's for you, North Dakota U
That we sing our sons and daughters true
Cheering our comrades to victory
Renewing allegiance to U-N-D
Your honor we uphold in every conquest
As your children aye shall do
And when you hear that cry of odz-zod-zi
It's for you North Dakota U!